
Groomsmen Gifts


“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?”
George Eliot (author)
  1. Do one of her daily tasks.
    This will range drastically depending on your relationship, but taking something off her plate “just because” is a great way to show your love.
  2. Help with the kids.
    If she’s been at home all day taking care of the kids, then her shift doesn’t end like your day at work. Don’t just relax in front of the TV… spend some time with the kids, and give her a break from that responsibility.
  3. Wear clothes she likes.
    If you have clothes she doesn’t like or ones that don’t actually fit your body, then it’s time to pitch them. When she says something’s not right with the way you’re dressed, take note.
    • Remember to wear the right size shirts (the shoulder seams should line up with your shoulders).
    • When you buy a sport coat, be sure to go one size bigger so it fits over sweaters.
    • Pitch any undershirts that have a baggy collar, and consider “v” necks if you haven’t already.
    • If you have darker skin, then wear light/bright colors. If you have light skin, then go with darker colors.
    • When tucking in your shirt, make sure to leave it slightly un-tucked all the way around.
    • Always wear a belt with pants (match your shoes – match the polish).
    • For a slimmer look, avoid pants that have pleats.
    • Your socks should always match either your pants, shoes or both.
    • Spend the necessary money to wear top quality shoes above any other piece of apparel, and keep them looking sharp.
  4. Be there on tough days.
    • Always be ready to listen.
    • Stand up and defend her if needed.
    • Consistently tell her how much she means to you.
  5. Pay attention to her passions.
    This becomes especially important if those passions are those that you’re not naturally interested in. Just take a little time to learn about them. Your active participation will go a long way.
  6. Thank her for the little things.
    No matter what her everyday responsibilities are as a wife and even mother, she always wants to know you appreciate them. Just simple recognition of a job well done and/or a thank you goes a long way.
  7. Make her feel special.
    This can be done by: always opening the door for her (including the car), bringing the car to her if the weather’s bad, pulling out her chair at a restaurant…